The Baig Idea
Welcome to The Baig Idea! Your resource for addressing chronic pain and getting back to real living, including insights from our resident expert surgeon, Dr. Rafath Baig.
Non-Surgical Herniated Disc Treatment Options
A herniated disc can be painful, and many people who experience this type of pain refer to it as “a pinched nerve.” However, though the physical pain that is occurring might give the feeling of “pinching,” a herniated disc is not the same thing. So what exactly is a...
What Are the Benefits of Spinal Decompression?
Do you suffer from back pain and symptoms such as tingling, numbness, or weakness? If the answer’s yes, then you may benefit from a treatment known as spinal decompression therapy. What Is Spinal Compression? Spinal compression means there’s pressure on your spinal...
Understanding Life After Spinal Fusion Surgery
The prospect of going through surgery to relieve chronic back pain is frightening. Some people put off going to a doctor because of their fear and anxiety over the procedure. But if you’re in the right hands, you can expect improvement in the quality of your life...
Is Back Surgery Worth It for You?
Back pain is more common than you think but severe back pain can be debilitating. No matter what the cause, it makes you wonder when you can go back to leading a normal life without the discomfort and pain. Whether you have mild or severe back trouble, it’s important...
6 Options for Back Pain Management
Whether it's caused by injury, lifestyle or genetics, millions of Americans suffer from back pain at some point in their lives -- as much as 80 percent of adults according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. ...
Common Questions to Ask Your Back Surgeon
Getting back surgery can be scary and it can have a lot of big question marks. Are you doing the right thing? Will it make you better in the long run? How long will recovery be? All of these are questions that you need to discuss with your back surgeon prior to...
The Most Common Solutions to Neck and Back Pain
Are you suffering from neck and back pain? Odds are, at some point in your life, you will--back pain is the number one pain-related reason why patients visit their doctor. Sometimes it’s a serious spine problem and sometimes it’s a minor tense muscle that will go away...
It’s Not Always the Scalpel!
Back pain changes everything. It may mean that you have trouble sitting for long periods of time, or maybe you can’t stand. Maybe you can’t do either without that nagging, piercing back pain. Chronic back pain turns your whole life upside down: things you used to be...